A Solo RPG Gameplay Blog

Episode 42 – Pirates Beware!

In our last episode, Logan had just negotiated a deal with an individual in a settlement made entirely of scavenged parts and old starship components that are fastened to a large metal platform.

The specifics of the arrangement were as follows: Logan would do recon on a large derelict starship that had recently been discovered nearby, and neutralize any potential dangers that might lie aboard. This ship could potentially provide years of supplies and equipment for the people of Wayward Landing.

In exchange, the man would stop stealing from the merchants of Kosha. (Often times, the parts used to build and maintain this settlement are scavenged or stolen from other communities in the sector).

NOTE: Game creator Shawn Tomkin had just released Sundered Isles, the long awaited expansion for Ironsworn: Starforged. This new companion opens up the game to a world of seafaring exploration, with all new gameplay and character options, plus a wealth of inspiring worldbuilding options and other random generators to that allow you to take your game into the realm of swashbuckling fantasy, rebellion, piracy, steampunk, eerie nautical horror and more.

Visit the Sundered Isles Kickstarter page to make a late pledge and get either the digital PDF edition, or the wire bound book set. You can even order the original Starforged hardbound book and reference, guide, which has gone to press for a second printing after selling out the original run in just a few weeks.

Now, back to the story!

With our negotiation finished, the man Introduces himself as Blackbird, and invites Cole and me to spend the night in his small hut, before we leave in the morning. He shares an impressive and warm sense of hospitality despite his meager living conditions inside his tiny dwelling, and offers us a generous portion of the local fish that was caught in the nearby waters. 

During our meal, I learn a little bit more about this place, and find out the name of this planet, which is called Nerida. Wayward Landing was first established over 50 years ago, by a small resourceful, and peaceful clan of scavengers who were escaping a small conflict on their home planet, which he does not name. 

After crashing their ship in the swamp here, the survivors dismantled the entire spacecraft and build the first platform.  In the decades since, community has grown, which is necessitated expansion of this main largest platform, and also the building of smaller ones nearby.

The people survive here by scavenging everything they can get their hands on, including derelict starships, like the one we’re about to explore; these have always proven to be the most resource rich locations, although massive shipwrecks are often few and far between. When times get hard, they occasionally resort to discrete pillaging theft on other worlds inside the Ebon Helix, and other sectors as well.

This clan, which calls themselves The Wandering Stars, has done a good job staying under the radar and avoiding contact with other societies, largely because they have very little that anyone would want. 

The entire planet is covered with water, and other than fish, Nerida has very few natural resources, and almost no infrastructure. Even an oppressive faction or greedy crime syndicate would find little reason to come here, even if they could find this place, which doesn’t exist on any sector chart that I’ve ever seen. Were it not for my vigilance and the stealth tech on my ship, I would never have found my way here.

Cole and I are up at dawn the next morning, watching a beautiful sunrise as the planet’s primary star paints a million tiny orange ripples on the expanse of ocean that lies beyond the platform and begins climbing through the many crystalline rings that orbit Nerida.

I haven’t seen a sunrise like this in weeks. As I soak in the visual tranquility before me, I reflect on the reason that I came here, and what it’s actually turned into, and I try to take solace in the fact that I’m about to go try and help this entire community.

The peace and serenity of the moment does lift my spirits, but in the back of my mind I know that we’re about to undertake it could be a very dangerous task. I’m glad Cole is with me. There’s no one who I can trust more to keep me safe as we prepare to head into a mysterious derelict starship, And knowing that strengthen my connection with him. We know that we will each have the others back in there, and sometimes that’s all you can count on when the shit hits the fan.

Before we head to the landing pad with Blackbird, I take stock of what gear we have and what we might possibly need in there, and see if he has any equipment he can spare us for our journey Into the derelict.

He does have a few spare UB’s, (non-recharging Universal Batteries that can be used in a variety of small devices and energy weapons), and he agrees to trade them for a few sector routes I have stored in my nav computer. We spend a bit more time than I would have wanted as he looks through my file system to pick out specific passages, but ultimately, it’s worth our time to build up my supply.

Finally, we lift off in our two ships, (Blackbird will will follow and and accompany us to the derelict in his own craft), and when we climb out of the atmosphere and pass between two of Nerida’s beautiful, crystalline rings, we set our course, double checking the coordinates to make sure we follow the fastest course possible, and then jump to FTL.

The star-filled black sky in front of our view screen shifts to a purplish, blue kaleidoscope as I push the worn wooden control handle of the e-Drive all the way forward and feel it hit the stop. A few seconds later, all the stars disappear, and are replaced with the surreal fluorescent patchwork of The Drift.  

My navigation is as almost as accurate as I’d hoped, and after our hours-long trip through the violet tunnel, I pull the handle back and we watch the stars reappear. To our right, we see the hulking frame of the ancient starship, floating lifelessly in the dark. 

However, it’s not alone. Another ship sits alongside the derelict; a cruiser, menacing and formidable, heavily armed and bearing markings that, without a doubt, indicate ill intent.

I know this, because I’ve seen them before. I know this ship; it’s one of the pirate cruisers that attacked Kirsa and me, forcing us to flee into an asteroid field amidst a hail of gunfire that severely damaged one of my Eidolon stabilizer fins.

My gut tenses. Keeping my eyes glued to the cruiser, I say under my breath, “Shit! Not these assholes again.”

“Cole, we got pirates in our way. I recognize that ship, it was part of a convoy that attacked us before. It didn’t end well, but I’m thinking that our odds are considerably better than last time.”

All business, Cole replies, “Well, I’ll get on the gun, and then you and me can give those bastards some hell!” He then rushes out of the cockpit and drops down to into the gun-bay. 

A few moments later, his voice comes back over the comm. “In position and ready to engage, captain!”

I quickly transmit a message to Blackbird, alerting him that we will likely have to fight our way to the derelict. His ship is well armed, so we may actually have a decent chance against the cruiser. 

In addition, the pirate ship would likely see Blackbird as an easy catch, having spotted his craft as he popped out of the drift. That’s one of their favorite tactics. To them, anchorages are nothing more than great big fishing holes. 

However, I’m running silent, so they may not have seen me yes. I say to Cole, 

“Let’s ambush these guys and see if we can’t give them a surprise kick in the ass before they even realize what hit ‘em!” 

Sure enough, they take the bait. I can see the pirate ship turning to aim its guns right at Blackbird. They think they’re about to land an easy fish, and are probably getting a boarding party ready. But they don’t see this ol’ hunk o’ junk staring them down from the shadows.  

I wait until the pirate cruiser is perfectly broadside to me, before giving Cole permission to fire. To me that sounds funny. He’s a hardened combat veteran, and I’m the one giving him orders? However, this is my ship, and I know that he respects the chain of command, so it’s probably not funny to him at all. 

After I give the order, Cole waits a few seconds more, and then unloads with a devastating burst from my ship’s primary weapon. I see the stream of laser fire before I feel the slight vibration from the cannon through my yoke, and as I watch the streams of energy blast the side of the pirate ship with a direct hit right on its relatively unprotected side, I slam the throttle forward and spin the yoke, as I maneuver my ship towards his rear flank. 

At the same time, I see Blackbird’s ship pull a climbing twist to get out of the way of the pirate’s forward guns. 

It’s now a surprise two on one, and the cruiser’s gonna gave to decide which one to go after. 

Artwork by

Our double team surprise definitely catches the pirate ship off guard. As I close in with Broken Sword on its rear quarter, Cole strafes the pirates’ stabilizer fins with a steady volley of gunfire that erupt in numerous small explosions. As Blackbird continues to buzz annoyingly around the much larger ship, I veer off to the right and speed behind the cruiser, giving Cole a straight line view right at its engines.

With such a good vantage point, Cole barely has to aim. As I speed closely past the aft end of the pirate ship, I watch out of the port side view as he sends a violent barrage of gunfire directly into one of its main exhaust ports, causing a huge conflagration that likely disables, or at least severely compromises one of its engines. 

Once we’re past the ship, I slam the yoke left and shout “HOLD ON!” as I bank hard so that I’m now running directly alongside the cruiser’s starboard side. They try desperately to evade, but we’ve hit them so hard, and so quickly, that they’ve had virtually no time to react. Plus, Blackbird is out there pestering them as well, which helps keep the confusion level up on their command deck. 

With my hands tight on the yoke and throttle, I hold Broken Sword in a straight path alongside the cruiser, giving Cole plenty of time to pepper the entire side of the ship with a never ending stream of hits from his gun. 

Again, he doesn’t even have to aim; it’s just a game of point and shoot. Keeping his finger on the trigger, Cole shows the pirates no mercy as he sprays the cruiser with a continuous volley of bolts that tear into the ship’s hull with relentless destruction. 

A steady series of explosions morph into bigger, more violent conflagrations, until the whole starboard edge of the craft appears to be on fire. 

I can imagine that the crew inside is desperately trying to engage the E-drive so that they can quickly make a jump and get the hell out of here. I’m sure they’re freaking out in a frenzied panic at their imminent destruction. But they’re pirates; who gives a fuck? 

Finishing our run, Cole sends one final blast into the side of the cockpit before I slam throttle and yank the controller to the right, so I can climb away in case the whole ship explodes.

And that’s exactly what it does. 

The last thing I see is that menacing insignia on the side of the ship, which has brought terror and dread to so many people, myself included, before the cruiser disintegrates in a massive ball of orange fire.

I don’t say a word they fly away from the carnage. Neither does Cole. We couldn’t have pulled this off any better, and we both know it. His celebration is knowing that we just rid the entire galaxy of a few more assholes who will never threaten or steal from anyone ever again. 

Of course, we were lucky to have caught a single ship away from the convoy.  This could’ve gone a lot worse. Who knows why this one was out here on its own, but we can’t really think about that; we’ll just take this victory and run with it, and deal with next time, next time.

For now, we’ve cleared a path to the derelict, and it’s time to go investigate and see what’s inside. When Cole returns to the cockpit, I give him a high five and say, “Well done, brother. Nice shooting.”

“Nice flying,” he replies, as we look for Blackbird. That brief exchange, though, solidifies an important milestones in our relationship. This was our first battle together, and we nailed it.  I sure as this fight was, we worked well together and both of us came out alive on the other side. Whether you’re a spacer or a soldier,  that’s it. You cant ask for more in a situation like this. I see him as being a good companion for many future adventures.

I’m also highly impressed with the stealth technology that Gavin installed on my ship, and this fight taught me how to use it to its full potential. Being able to attack from an unseen position gives you tremendous advantage, and one and I will certainly use more in the future. Broken Sword has gone from being a beat up research vessel to a fast, stealthy, highly capable starship. 

Pirate vessels, bounty hunters, and Obsidian fighters beware!!!

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One response to “Episode 42 – Pirates Beware!”

  1. […] In our last episode, Logan had flown out to the derelict starship that he had promised to explore as part of an agreement with the people of Wayward Landing. However, as they dropped out of the drift within sight of the huge ship, they surprised a lone pirate vessel bearing the emblem of the Red Souls. […]


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