A Solo RPG Gameplay Blog

Episode 44 – Exploring the Derelict, Part 2

In our previous episode, Logan and Cole began exploring a massive derelict starship, and in the process, they spoke with a medical bot and learned the fate of the former crew. They also rescued a stranded utility bot called DV-08, or Devo, for short.

In this next chapter, the pair continues to plod on before running into something truly horrific!

With Devo in tow, Cole and I leave this contaminated and half destroyed engine bay. We remain inside the engineering sector of the ship but move towards the vehicle workshop and repair center. 

We arrive to find the place in extreme disarray. A collapsed walkway has led to a potentially dangerous path towards the main work area, which looks like it’s fully stocked with tools and other equipment. Blackbird will certainly want to explore this area, so I note the location on the map and leave it for him and his people to clear. Cole and I are here to remove active dangers, not debris.

We grab what we can and keep moving. 

As the hours wear on, we we begin to feel the pangs of hunger and slight aches of weariness.  There’s still a lot of ship to explore, but it’s worth stopping and taking a break to recharge and refuel, otherwise we’ll run ourselves ragged, which won’t be good if we do encounter any trouble.

Sitting with our backs against the wall of one of the countless corridors, we woof down a couple of redi-meal packs and and rest our feet as we ponder, once again, where the hell everyone went. 

From what the medical bot told us, it sounds like dangerous pathogen forced the entire crew to flee, but that was over 100 years ago. We haven’t seen any signs of danger, or any indication that this place is infected, or infested by anything. Sure, we haven’t explored the entire ship, but the fact that most of it in such good shape, leaves us without any real answers.

Devo doesn’t do much during our rest period. The bot seems to observe us for awhile before reverting to low power mode. It’s actually kind of a cute little unit. As I watch it, I think to myself that and operations/utility bot like this could actually be pretty useful at times. If we do bring it off the ship with us, maybe I could have Gavin clean it up, fix a few of those dents and reprogram its software, or at least update it to modern specs.

I don’t know; I’m just speculating. We’ve still got a long way to go. Once we feel adequately rested, we get up off the hard floor and continue on, eventually arriving at the main communication center control room.

This place is still in good shape, apparently in the same state it was when it was abandoned.  We find that many of the terminals are still active, including the entire SDU, or security display unit, which gives us camera views of many areas of the ship, some of which we’ve already explored. 

Using terminal control, I scroll through numerous locations, which makes it easy to assess any potential dangers or access issues in many different parts of the ship.

While flipping through different location views, something catches my eye; movement in one of the living quarters. The camera seems to be damaged, or perhaps partially blocked, so I can’t determine exactly what it is I’m seeing, but I’m positive I saw something moving in there.

I alert Cole. As soon as he takes a look, his sense of urgency becomes as transparent as a jar of hundred proof hooch. We both know what needs to be done. Marking the location on the map I recovered, we immediately head out to find the living quarters and try to figure out what it was that we just saw.

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In a hurried pace that, at times is almost running, we hurry through across the ship towards the section that’s almost exclusively devoted to living quarters. Spread across numerous decks, the crew housing take up a significant portion of this vessel; it’s this way with any large craft. 

Each living deck contains an array of individual cabins that share a spacious common area. Addition to leisure and entertainment, this is the main access for each deck.

Using the map for guidance, we navigate to the correct deck; the one we saw on the video monitor.  When we reach the door panel, you’re alarmed to see a large black X scrolled across the metal plating, that appears to have been burned on with a hand torch.

I look at Cole, and say “correct me if I’m wrong, but that’s the universal sign for stay the hell away from this door, right?”

“I would say yes,” He affirms, “but I get the feeling that we’re going to ignore that advice.”

“I swore to Blackbird that we’d make sure there were no dangers on this ship that could potentially cause him or his people harm, I say.

“Then let’s see what’s behind the big scary X and hope that it’s not as bad as I’m thinking it’s going to be,” he replies.

“Devo, you know this ship, can you open the door?” I ask. 

Devo emits a short buzz, moves up to the control panel and activates the door mechanism with one of the tool protrusion on its “arms.” As soon as it slides open, our questions are immediately answered. It’s not as bad as we had feared; it’s worse, far, far beyond just bad, this is utterly horrific.

A mass of bodies wanders seemingly with aimless intent around the large common rec area of this living wing. With emaciated, gaunt skin that’s pulled crudely over misshapen bones, stringy hair that droops over the shoulders of torn, stained, centuries-old clothing and pale, lifeless eyes, these creatures represent every spacer’s nightmare: humans who have been transformed by the chaotic energies of the Forge into dead that walk.

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There are as many different names for the dead who have come back to life as there as there are horror stories of their existence, although few folks have ever actually seen them with their own eyes. Mostly, I’ve heard them referred to as simply “risen,” and seeing these shambling corpses in from of me right now, I can attest, all those dreadfully frightful and unbelievable tales I grew up hearing are indeed as true as the stars.

My heart sinks into the pit of my stomach as I survey this dire situation, thankful that Cole, AKA Slash, is the one person at my side. 

“Cole….!!!” I yell, while keeping my eyes glued to the herd, which is now slowly advancing towards us with their awkward, blocky gate. 

“Just keep firing, Logan, and try not to let any of them things get too close!” He replies as he bangs the side of his plasma rifle twice with the heel of his hand before pointing it at the horde. 

As terrifying as this is, we couldn’t be in a better position. With a healthy distance between us and them, we should be able to mow down a number of them before things get dicey.

Cole holds down the trigger of his rifle and sprays back and forth across the front line. I do the same with mine and we watch at least a dozen go down in the blistering rain of laser fire, swinging from the near siezure-inducing light show.

A good start, but as many other bodies fill in holes as the horde keeps coming. Cole keeps up his fire, but I pull a grenade off my chest and huck it well behind the front line, hoping to thin out the group from the middle as well.

The blast is muffled a bit by the mass of risen, but by the spray of blood and mutilated limbs that fly upward, I can tell that I took a number of them out. However, they keep coming, and if we don’t move we’ll quickly be overrun. 

“Cole, high ground!” I yell, pointing to an upper deck platform that will give us a tactical advantage and a better view of the entire common area. 

“Good call!” he shouts back, as he yanks a grenade off his vest. “This will help give us a bit of cover! Go!!!”

I take off running, while he pulls the pin and chucks it towards the front line. I suddenly hear a deafening bang and see a bright flash of light in my peripheral vision. 

I don’t know if the dead are affected by bright lights, but I don’t look back. I just keep sprinting forward towards the stairs over to the left, while Cole keeps covering our escape with quick bursts.

I reach the bottom of the stairs in a few seconds, bound about halfway up, then turn to give him sone cover while he quickly closes the distance and follows me up the stairs. I suddenly realize that in addition to giving us high ground, the stairs will create a bottleneck to slow their approach.

When we reach the top of the landing on the upper deck platform, we stop, sling our rifles around and unload with a non-stop barrage of gunfire on the horde below. I glance over at Cole; he’s like a machine, so focused and seemingly unafraid as he mows down whole groups of them at a time. I take inspiration from my friend, even though I’m terrified, and utterly fearful at the thought of being ripped apart and eaten by the dead. Truly the stuff of nightmares. 

Heads explode, blood sprays, torsos thrash and burn from the fusillade we throw at it, but still they keep coming, lumbering towards us up the stairs. It’s far too many to fight at one time If they’re allowed to reach us, but at least the bottleneck gives up more time to keep on top of our assault.

However, now we’re committed. We have to seriously diminish their numbers, or we won’t be able to get back to the door and escape if this turns bad. Right now, we have a notable advantage, but I’ve been in enough dicey situations to know that fortune and opportunity can turn in the briefest of moments; a jammed gun, a depleted battery, an attack from a position that you missed… any number of things can go wrong, and in my experience, there’s a good chance that one of them probably will. If you want to stay alive, you have to count on that and stay ahead with your options.

While Cole keeps firing and picking of body after body as they start lumbering up the stairs, I momentarily drop my rifle and unsling my pack and pull out the extra special gift he gave me after graduating from the Slash Combat School: a dymium detonator. It’s about the size of two fists that’s strong enough to punch through reinforced blast doors. 

It should be enough to seriously thin the herd, and since we’re up here and can take cover on the platform, we should be safe from the explosion. 

Cole sees what I’m doing and says,

“Still carrying that thing?”

“I’ve been saving it for a special occasion!” I answer. 

“This seems pretty special, alright. Let ‘er rip!”

I type in the 4-digit trigger code, wait for the green light, then flip the switch and toss it over the edge towards the middle of the herd. Then Cole and I drop, roll and tuck our bodies tightly against the far wall of the platform.

The shockwave from the explosion presses on our eardrums, even with our hands pressed against our heads, and we can feel the concussive blast hit the platform. Fortunately, we’re far enough above that it remains intact and shields is from any damage, but it’s easily apparent just how powerful those dynium detonators are. 

We get back up and peer over the edge to see the devastating carnage of blood, body parts and destroyed infrastructure in the floor level of the common area. Most of the risen have been disintegrated or blown to small bits, but there are a few handfuls left, wandering through the mess. 

“C‘Mon!” Cole shouts as he leads me back down the stairs while picking off as many of the leftovers as he can. I follow, doing the same, as we make our way back to the floor.

Doing a quick mop-up, Cole and I finish clearing out the rest of the living quarters on this deck. Fortunately, we don’t run into any more trouble, but as we head back and push through the now damaged door, where we find little Devo on the other side, we realize that we should probably check the other living decks as well.

But first, it’s time for a brief rest. As the adrenaline wears off, we collapse on the floor of the hallway and take a few minutes to catch our breaths.

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